Watch out for fake emails claiming to be from McAfee computer security software. Action Fraud have received more than 700 reports about these scam messages in three days! The links in the messages lead to phishing websites that will steal your personal and financial information. #NWPCyberSafe Byddwch yn wyliadwrus o e-byst ffug sy’n honni eu bod gan gwmni meddalwedd diogelwch cyfrifiadurol McAfee. Mae Action Fraud wedi derbyn mwy na 700 o adroddiadau am y negeseuon sgam yma mewn tridiau! Mae’r dolenni’n arwain at wefannau gwe-rwydo a fydd yn dwyn eich gwybodaeth bersonol ac ariannol. #SeiberDdiogelHGC |